Mongolian Visitors for Open World November 8 – 16 is rousing success!

Mongolian Visitors and their Home Hosts who met at the home of Karen and Gary Heusel for dinner after their two day stay in Washington, D.C.

Left side: Karen and Gary Heusel with their guest Tseveenravdan (Seven) Tsogbat; Phyllis Arth and her seated guest Emkhdelger (Deggii) Bayanbaraat. On the couch: Jan Sibal and her guests Ariunaa Jamiyankhorloo and Ulziitungalag (Ulzii) Khuajin. Back row: Milt and Gayle Bayer with their guest Nomin Enkhbaatar, facilitator, between them; Eloise Hiatt and her guest Dorhnaljirmaa (Namee) Dagvarenchin. BOLD indicates their “American” name.

All the Delegates work for Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in Mongolia.  Thus, they requested to visit and learn from NGOS in Lincoln.

The week Monday through Friday was an intense 32-hour learning experience.  Our Mongolian friends visited Lincoln Community Foundation, Center for People, Counseling Services, OutNebraska LBGTQ+, Friendship Home, Child Advocacy Center, Appleseed, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate), Disability Rights of Nebraska, Lighthouse, the State Capitol, and Civic Nebraska.

In addition to the rigorous schedule, they enjoyed a night with FFL friends for a welcome dinner to celebrate a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner; enjoyed an evening at the Lied Center for The Little Mermaid performance, and a closing night at Screamers.  They also tasted local cuisine at Valentino’s and Runza.

This Open World Journey is sponsored by the Congressional Office of International Leadership (COIL).  Lincoln Friendship has hosted many international visitors, many from former Soviet Union countries.